
1. 下落 (xià luò)

太阳西下,天空中的余晖如火烧云般壮丽。/ The sun sets in the west, and the afterglow in the sky is as magnificent as a burning cloud.

2. 下班 (xià bān)

经过一天的辛勤工作,小李终于下班了。/ After a day's hard work, Xiao Li finally got off work.

3. 下雨 (xià yǔ)

春天的雨,淅淅沥沥,让人感到惬意。/ The spring rain, drizzling, makes people feel comfortable.

4. 下车 (xià chē)

公交车到站了,乘客们纷纷下车。/ The bus arrived at the station, and the passengers got off one after another.

5. 下棋 (xià qí)

小张和小李棋逢对手,在棋盘上杀得难分难解。/ Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li are evenly matched, and they are in a fierce battle on the chessboard.

6. 下决心 (xià jué xīn)

为了实现梦想,小美下定决心勤奋学习。/ In order to realize her dream, Xiao Mei made up her mind to study diligently.

7. 下功夫 (xià gōng fu)

想要学好英语,必须下功夫练习口语。/ If you want to learn English well, you must practice speaking hard.

8. 下台 (xià tái)

经过激烈的竞选,候选人甲最终以微弱优势下台。/ After a fierce campaign, candidate A finally stepped down with a slight advantage.

9. 下达 (xià dá)

公司领导下达了新的工作任务,要求员工们按时完成。/ The company leaders issued a new work task, requiring employees to complete it on time.

10. 下结论 (xià jié lùn)

经过一番分析,研究人员得出了实验失败的结论。/ After some analysis, the researchers concluded that the experiment had failed.

11. 下榻 (xià tà)

来到异国他乡,小明一家下榻在一家三星级酒店。/ When they arrived in a foreign country, Xiao Ming's family stayed in a three-star hotel.

12. 下令 (xià lìng)

国王下令全国戒严,以平息动乱。/ The king ordered martial law throughout the country to quell the unrest.

13. 下单 (xià dān)

小华在网上商城下单购买了一台笔记本电脑。/ Xiaohua placed an order online to buy a laptop.

14. 下课 (xià kè)

上课铃声响起,同学们陆续下课。/ When the class bell rang, the students left the class one after another.

15. 下水 (xià shuǐ)

小明和他的朋友们相约去游泳池下水玩耍。/ Xiao Ming and his friends made an appointment to go to the swimming pool to play.


