
1. 完成顺序动作

I washed the dishes, then I cleaned the floor.He opened the door, then he walked into the room.She turned on the light, then she started to read.

2. 表示因果关系

I didn't study, so then I failed the exam.It rained heavily, so then the roads were flooded.She lost her job, so then she had to move back home.

3. 表示条件关系

If you do your homework, then you can play video games.If it doesn't rain, then we can go for a picnic.If you don't like it, then you don't have to eat it.

4. 表示时间关系

I went to the store first, then I went to the library.He graduated from high school, then he went to college.She got married, then she had children.

5. 表示对比关系

He is rich, but then he is not happy.She is beautiful, but then she is not kind.The weather was nice, but then it suddenly started raining.

6. 表示强调

I told him not to do it, but then he did it anyway.I didn't want to go, but then I had to.She didn't believe me, but then she saw it with her own eyes.


1. 用作连词,表示并列关系

I like apples and oranges, then bananas.

2. 用作副词,表示随后

He went to the store, then to the library.

3. 用作名词,表示随后

I'll see you in the then.




I went to the store first, then I went to the library.I didn't study, so then I failed the exam.I told him not to do it, but then he did it anyway.


