

1. 一箭双雕

* 英文译文: Kill two birds with one stone.* 造句: He managed to finish two projects simultaneously, a feat that could be described as killing two birds with one stone.

2. 桃李不言,下自成蹊

* 英文译文: A good teacher is like a peach tree that does not speak, yet under it grows a path worn by earnest students.* 造句: The renowned professor's lectures were so captivating that students flocked to her classes, creating a well-trodden path to knowledge.

3. 画龙点睛

* 英文译文: The finishing touch that brings a masterpiece to life.* 造句: The artist's final stroke, a delicate touch of paint, breathed life into the painting, transforming it from a good work to an exceptional masterpiece.

4. 卧薪尝胆

* 英文译文: To endure hardship with a goal in mind.* 造句: After his humiliating defeat, the emperor vowed to work tirelessly, sleeping on straw and tasting gall to remind himself of his determination for revenge.

5. 塞翁失马,焉知非福

* 英文译文: A misfortune may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.* 造句: The farmer's stolen horse returned with a herd of wild horses, demonstrating that even the greatest misfortunes can lead to unexpected blessings.

6. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子

* 英文译文: To achieve something great, you must be willing to take risks.* 造句: The explorer knew that venturing into the uncharted wilderness was dangerous, but he was willing to embrace the risks in pursuit of adventure and discovery.

7. 如鱼得水

* 英文译文: To be in one's element.* 造句: The actress felt like a fish out of water in the corporate world, but when she returned to the stage, she was like a fish in water, effortlessly embodying the role.

8. 亡羊补牢,未为迟也

* 英文译文: It's never too late to mend.* 造句: Recognizing the errors in his ways, the politician vow to make amends, believing that it was never too late to correct his mistakes and regain the public's trust.

9. 悬崖勒马

* 英文译文: To pull back from the brink of danger.* 造句: Realizing the futility of his actions, the reckless driver abruptly hit the brakes, narrowly averting a catastrophic accident.

10. 知己知彼,百战不殆

* 英文译文: If you know your enemy and know yourself, you will win every battle.* 造句: The general meticulously studied his adversary's tactics, knowing that understanding the enemy's strengths and weaknesses was crucial for victory.

11. 螳臂当车

* 英文译文: A futile attempt to challenge a much greater force.* 造句: The tiny ant's efforts to stop the oncoming car were futile, demonstrating the vast difference in power and the importance of recognizing one's own limitations.

12. 杯水车薪

* 英文译文: A small effort that is insignificant in the face of a large problem.* 造句: Donating a few dollars to a multi-billion dollar charity may seem like a drop in the bucket, but it is a gesture of solidarity and a reminder that every little bit helps.

13. 一叶障目,不见泰山

* 英文译文: To be so focused on a small detail that you miss the bigger picture.* 造句: The politician's obsession with a minor issue blinded him to the larger political landscape, leading to a strategic blunder.

14. 心有灵犀一点通

* 英文译文: A deep understanding between two people.* 造句: The two friends had such a close bond that they could communicate with just a glance, sharing a deep understanding that transcended words.

15. 滴水穿石,非一日之功

* 英文译文: Patience and persistence can accomplish great things.* 造句: The young artist meticulously painted hour after hour, knowing that the masterpiece they were creating was the result of countless small efforts over time.


