

以下是 15 則胖名言英文文案,為那些正在與身體形象問題奮鬥的人們提供鼓勵和支持:

Your body is not a burden, it's a beautiful vessel that carries your soul.(你的身體不是負擔,它是你靈魂的載體,是如此美麗。)—LizzoFat is not a flaw. It's a natural part of the human body.(肥胖並非缺陷,它是人體自然的一部分。)—Tess HollidayBe kind to yourself. Your body deserves love and respect.(對自己好一點,你的身體值得被愛和尊重。)—Ashley GrahamYou are not defined by your size. You are defined by your character.(你的價值不在於你的體型,而在於你的品格。)—Melissa McCarthyBeauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Embrace your uniqueness.(美麗不拘一格,擁抱你的獨特。)—Jameela JamilThe only person who can make you feel ashamed of your body is you. Don't give them the power.(唯一能讓你對自己的身體感到羞愧的人就是你自己,不要讓他們得逞。)—Chrissy MetzLove your body, even when it doesn't love you back.(愛你的身體,即使它沒有給你相同的回應。)—Habiba NosheenYour body is not a battleground. It's your home. Treat it with respect.(你的身體不是戰場,而是你的家,好好待它。)—Virgie TovarStop comparing yourself to others. Everyone's journey is different.(停止與他人比較,每個人的旅程都不同。)—Ashley Nell TiptonYou are worthy of happiness and love, regardless of your size.(無論你的體型如何,你都值得幸福和愛。)—LizzoYour body is capable of amazing things. Don't let society's expectations limit you.(你的身體蘊藏著驚人的力量,別讓社會的期望限制你。)—Iskra LawrenceBe proud of who you are. Your body is a reflection of your strength and resilience.(為你真實的樣子感到自豪,你的身體展現了你的力量和韌性。)—Tracee Ellis RossHealth is not about a number on a scale. It's about feeling good in your body and living a fulfilling life.(健康不關乎體重計上的數字,而是關於你對身體的感覺和生活的充實度。)—Jessica KunzeYour body is a gift. Cherish it, protect it, and love it unconditionally.(你的身體是一個禮物,好好珍惜它,保護它,無條件地愛它。)—Oprah WinfreyYou are beautiful, you are powerful, and you are enough. Embrace your body and live your life to the fullest.(你很美麗、你很有力量,你已經足夠了,擁抱你的身體,活出最精彩的人生。)—Ashley Graham



