只要 Even if/As long as
1. 只要你努力,就一定会成功。
Even if you try hard, you will succeed.
2. 只要你愿意,我随时可以帮助你。
Whenever you need me, I will help you.
3. 只要你能坚持,梦想终会实现。
As long as you persevere, your dream will come true.
4. 只要你相信自己,就没有什么不可能。
If you believe in yourself, anything is possible.
5. 只要你肯付出,回报一定会让你满意。
You will be satisfied as long as you are willing to pay.
6. 只要你还有梦想,就永远不要放弃。
Never give up as long as you have a dream.
7. 只要你肯努力,就没有跨越不了的障碍。
There is no obstacle you cannot overcome as long as you are willing to work hard.
8. 只要你勇于尝试,就会有收获。
If you are brave enough to try, you will gain something.
9. 只要你心怀感恩,生活处处充满阳光。
As long as you are grateful, life will be full of sunshine.
10. 只要你有一颗善心,就会得到别人的尊重。
You will gain respect as long as you have a kind heart.
即使 Even though/Although
1. 即使你失败了,也不要灰心。
Even if you fail, do not be discouraged.
2. 即使生活很艰难,我们也要坚持下去。
Even though life is hard, we must persevere.
3. 即使你很忙,也要抽出时间陪伴家人。
Even if you are very busy, you should make time for your family.
4. 即使天很冷,我们也要去上学。
Even though it is very cold, we still have to go to school.
5. 即使我很累,我还是会坚持锻炼。
Although I am very tired, I will still坚持锻炼。
6. 即使你很富有,也不要忘记帮助别人。
Even if you are very wealthy, do not forget to help others.
7. 即使你很聪明,也要谦虚。
Even if you are very intelligent, you should be humble.
8. 即使你很美丽,也不要骄傲。
Even if you are very beautiful, do not be proud.
9. 即使你很强大,也不要欺凌弱者。
Even if you are very strong, do not bully the weak.
10. 即使你很成功,也不要忘记初心。
Even if you are very successful, do not forget your original intention.
只要…就 As soon as…/The moment…
1. 只要我看到你,我就感到很开心。
As soon as I see you, I am very happy.
2. 只要下课铃声一响,我就冲出教室。
The moment the bell rings, I rush out of the classroom.
3. 只要一有空,我就去图书馆看书。
Whenever I have free time, I go to the library to read.
4. 只要我遇到困难,就向老师求助。
Whenever I encounter difficulties, I ask the teacher for help.
5. 只要我犯错,我就承认错误。
As soon as I make a mistake, I will admit it.
6. 只要我答应别人的事,就一定会做到。
Whenever I promise something to someone, I will definitely do it.
7. 只要我看到别人需要帮助,就一定会施以援手。
As soon as I see someone in need of help, I will definitely help them.
8. 只要我看到不平事,就一定会出面制止。
Whenever I see injustice, I will come forward to stop it.
9. 只要我看到有人浪费粮食,就一定会制止。
Whenever I see someone wasting food, I will stop them.
10. 只要我看到有人破坏环境,就一定会举报。
Whenever I see someone destroying the environment, I will definitely report it.
即使…也 Even if…/Although…
1. 即使我失败了,我也会从头再来。
Even if I fail, I will start over.
2. 即使生活很艰难,我也会坚持下去。
Although life is difficult, I will persevere.
3. 即使你很忙,你也应该抽出时间陪伴家人。
Even if you are very busy, you should make time for your family.
4. 即使天很冷,我们也要去上学。
Although it is very cold, we still have to go to school.
5. 即使我很累,我还是会坚持锻炼。
Even if I am very tired, I will still坚持锻炼。
6. 即使你很富有,也不要忘记帮助别人。
Even if you are very wealthy, do not forget to help others.
7. 即使你很聪明,也要谦虚。
Although you are very intelligent, you should be humble.
8. 即使你很美丽,也不要骄傲。
Even if you are very beautiful, do not be proud.
9. 即使你很强大,也不要欺凌弱者。
Even if you are very strong, do not bully the weak.
10. 即使你很成功,也不要忘记初心。
Although you are very successful, do not forget your original intention.
在在在在造句二年级 在在在在造句二年级简单一句话
用“在……在……在……在……”造句,例如: 1.下课铃响了
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(21131)爸爸一边进屋一边拍打身上的雪花。 (2)爸爸
尤其造句 尤其造句二年级简单的
一、用“尤其”造句: 1、他很喜欢运动,尤其是踢足球。